Instructor Name * COM E-mail * Semester Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Courses must be combined prior to entering any student grades in the Canvas gradebook. It is also best if the courses contain no content. If you have multiple sets of cross-listed courses, please list all courses record numbers (CRNs) and course codes for the course in each cross-listed group on the provided lines. If you have more than 4 sections to combine, please use the comment box at the end of the form. For example: Set 1: 82768 BIOL-141-010 82769 ENVS-141-010 Set 2: 11853 MUS-261-070 12630 MUS-281-010 10158 MUS-282-010 12631 MUS-288-010 AgreementI have reviewed the best practices for FERPA Compliance in Combined Courses. I agree to make appropriate adjustments to my course settings to ensure the privacy of enrolled students. Please check: * I agree Set 1 Example: 11853 MUS-261-070 Example: 12630 MUS-281-010 Example: 10158 MUS-282-010 Example: 12631 MUS-288-010 Set 2 Example: 11853 MUS-261-070 Example: 12630 MUS-281-010 Example: 10158 MUS-282-010 Example: 12631 MUS-288-010 Additional comments: Leave this field blank Submit